Hello, everyone! Hope you are all happy, healthy and sound, enjoying the first days of spring. The post today is about M?r?i?oare, our famous March trinkets and about celebrating 2 years of having the website operational in this new format. It’s been a lovely journey and I am proud to see how much I’ve grown since!

#March is the month when we celebrate spring and when nature turns back to life and being green. There is an abundance of flowers and colours after all the winter months. And we all love to see that!
Happy #M?r?i?oare was my first post on the renewed look of my website 2 years ago. You can see how it looked like here. There have been many posts since and hopefully I’ll be able to keep up the rhythm in sharing with you my love for art & crafts. You can also have a look at last year’s brooches made with the same theme.

These trinkets were made of felt, die-cut with the XCut mini die flower set. They were created with the idea of being used as brooches with various occasions, not only in March, after removing the red&white twine specific for the celebration. I made a lot of them, but with this post I’ll share the first batch.

Hope you like them as much as I do and hope to be soon back on the blog sharing some more crafts made for the special days of March. The photos were taken by the amazing Cristian Istrate, who succeeds to capture the beauty of art with the camera in his hands. Thank you.
My best wishes and a lovely spring to you all,