Bookster. Oscar. Read’n’Roll

Today’s post is less about the card I made, more about reading and one of the greatest libraries I know of.

Why a card for Bookster ? To express our gratitude for the joy and positiveness they brought into our lives. An experience that definitely changed our lives. What is Bookster ? A whole world of books, articles and case studies run by great people doing what they love most!

A while ago, I had little time for either reading or creating anything but work, work, work. Then, I made a change and here I am: happy, creative and inspired!

I heard about them in late November 2013, when my husband came home very enthusiastic about this new thing at work: there is a library that brings the books you choose to read directly at your office! To tell the truth, I shared little enthusiasm then. We were used to buying our books and the idea did not find its way to us right away.

And there it was: the change. Everyone was talking about the most wanted and most read book at his office: “Oscar and the Lady in Pink” by Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt . He signed up on the waiting list. When did it arrive? At the right time. And it hit not only close to home, but home! Or at least, that was one of the possibilities. It made waiting for the biopsy results feel less frightening and more positive. The book itself is a sad story told in a very positive way, changing your perspective towards what really matters in life. Once you started reading it, you couldn’t let it down. That’s what we like about it!

From then on, the thrill and the great experience have started and we both, my husband and I, enjoy to Read’n’Roll’n’Love’n’Share with Bookster!

‘Many opportunities you have in your life are generated by the energy you create around.’ Sir Ken Robinson

Here’s the card I made. And yes, it includes in it, as all the cards I make do, a part of my heart and soul!

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