My Brother’s Birthday

34 years since we got to know each other, years of adventure, fun, challenges and more…

What do I cherish most about him: his singing, us – singing together, our fights (oh, yeah!), his passion for writing and photography, his unconditioned love as a brother – as family!

So, since he enjoys writing music, playing instruments, what else could have been found on his birthday card than a song?

The idea behind this birthday card came to me as a dream in one of those creative nights, when your mind wonders for new ideas. As someone dear advised me, I put it down in my sketch book right away. Then, when the D day came closer, I started looking for the musical notes in my books. Oh, what a cool hunting that was! After that, I played with colours, coloured card and materials that matched the theme. I felt like bringing back the highschool years, when waiting for our turn to play the violin and writing down our “solfeggio” in our music notebooks. Good memories!

Happy birthday, my dear brother! Loads of love to you!

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